Calligraphy Painting >
Cursive Calligraphy >
DC Chinese Calligraphy Work in Cursive Script Cursive Hand Mounted - Auld Lang Syne DC's Authentic Work of Chinese Calligraphy in Cursive Script Cursive Hand Signed Sealed Mounted not Framed.
Chinese Calligraphy
Cursive Script & Cursive Hand
Brush Ink Work on Rice Paper
69CM X 68CM (27.17" X 26.77")RICE PAPER
74CM X 73CM (29.13" X 28.74")MOUNTED
Wooden Frame is not included
Name of the Art Work:
Auld Lang Syne
Date of Creation:
The price is for One piece.
Special reinforced packing and can be sent to anywhere safely.
Shipping by Epacket & EMS Express Mail to most countries/areas (=Expedited Shipping Service)!
Enjoying Point:
(A)By using brush in cursive and fast way,it one time forms the rhythm changes of ink lines and paper spaces divided as well as impressional images like people running,stones falling ,cloud flowing,snake jumping,birds dancing and stars spreading in the sky etc..
(B)By brush moving,the Ink Color keeps changing from shallow to dark (5 Ink Colors) & wet to dray.
(C)Most Ink Lines are created by the soft brush but keeps in the mid posotion in moving so as to express solid feeling of the ink line.
(D)In every row,you can find the ink area is strictly balanced although the ink line jumps from the left to the right.It speaks for the philosophic theory of transform between moving & still.
Mr.DC's Profile of Cursive Script Cursive Hand Calligraphy Artist:
The Cursive Script Calligrapher began to learn Chinese calligraphy & painting from 6 years old.His art theory of <<Chinese Calligraphy & Painting Esthetics>> becomes the level standard of this line.He is the chief artist of Chinese Cursive Script or Cursive Hand (Cao Shu) Calligraphy which is at the top level contains the distillate of all Chinese Calligraphy Styles.His great-grand father was the founder of Xian Beilin-Forest of Stone Tabliits Museum & the leader of Public Revolution in ancient city of Xian.His art works of "Cao Shu"(Cursive Script Calligraphy) and "Xing Shu"(Semi-cursive Script) are treasured up by collectors from all orver the world.His works speak for the wonderful "brush art world" of typical Chinese Calligraphy & Paiting.
狂草书法家 东方白 大草书法真迹
书体:草书 大草书法 狂草书法
装裱前宣纸尺寸(四尺斗方)69CM X 68CM
装裱后不带框尺寸(四尺斗方)74CM X 73CM
东方白先生外曾祖父是西安辛亥革命的领导人、同盟会会长、西安碑林(原孔庙)的创始人-郭希仁先生。书法是国外辨识中国人的符号而草书是书法的最高境界。东方白先生创办西安碑林“东方白大草书画社”,专门从事大草书法创作与研究。东方白先生现为陕西书法家协会会员及陕西民革委员。六岁始习柳、黄、米、二王行楷、草书师法张旭、怀素, 推陈出新,自成狂草一体。东方白先生作品多次获奖。2008年在纪念改革开放三十周年全国书法大赛中荣获银奖。作品《沁园春.雪》被西安八办博物馆收藏。作品《中秋》被英国萨奇书画廊收藏。力推国粹走出国门,联合书画同仁,共同打造中国文化品牌。西安教育电视台自2009年5月25日到6月23日连续两周重播西安东方白大草书法专访节目,引起社会较大反响,吸引了更多朋友心怡草书,心怡书法,心怡中国文化。-------------------------------
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