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4 Yarn Wax for All Brother Silver Reed Knitting Machine Yarn Tension Wax

4 Yarn Wax for All Brother Silver Reed Knitting Machine Yarn Tension Wax


  • Parts No.:YARN WAX 418775001/487221001
    Stock: 948 . Sold:192
  • Brand:Brother KnitKing Creative Artisan
  • Goods Click Count:9058
  • Market Price:$13.48
    Shop Price:$8.99
    Rank: comment rank 5
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    Limit points for buying:0 points (100 points= $1 of bonus)

Goods Description


New 4 Yarn Wax 418775001/487221001 for all knitting machine.

Yarn Wax Function:

Very Hard to find Item and "must have" tool for machine knitting and hand crochet .The Yarn Wax  418775001/487221001 fits all knitting machine incl. brand Brother/Empisal/KnitKing/Silver Reed/Knitmaster/Singer/Toyato/ Creative/Artisan,4.5mm standard gauge,6.5mm/7mm mid gauge,9mm bulky gauge knitting machine. It's for both hobby knitters and  knitting factories for mass production.The Yarn Wax is to allow the yarn to feed through the machine easier. Just a touch on the yarn and you will feel the carriage moving much smoother.  It is especially good when you are knitting with heavy yarn on a bulky gauge (9mm) knitting machines helps to protect your machine and needles from broken.Very light and will not leave any spot or damage on  the yarn.

How to use the Yarn Wax?

1.If you are knitting with a big cone of yarn, apply a thin layer on the outside of the yarn cone once in a while (even just a few strips will do).

2.If you are using a ball winder(plastic wool winder), hold the yarn wax  roll in  the palm of your hand and let the yarn skip through it before getting into winder, using one finger to gently secure the yarn on top of the wax or fix it into the shaft of  wool winder tension hole and let the yarn go though it.The finished ball of yarn will be treated with wax.

3.For knitting machine comes with a tension unit,just insert the shaft of the yarn tension wax holder  into the hole of the Yarn Wax and let the yarn go through it in knitting.


Yarn Wax Size: 2.5 cm  X 2.8 cm  (Hole 0.8 cm)

This price of  Yarn Wax  418775001/487221001 is for Four pieces.

Yarn Wax Parts No. 418775001/487221001




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Comment & Feedback(M3C)

  • **** User ( Apr-18-22 15:05:31 )

    great wax wring, fast delivery ,thanks.
    Buyer: lisajane9572 (2398)

  • **** User ( Apr-18-22 12:45:13 )

    very pleased with items of the yarn wax, I would buy from this seller again.
    Buyer: OB0fHuYuTDC@Deleted

  • **** User ( Apr-17-22 11:24:40 )

    wax rounds to large for my machine but will adapt. Very hard to find item.
    Buyer: FB2RTRhNQku@Deleted

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